Saturday, August 2, 2008


Today, Saturday August 2nd, Da & Tiernan went to meet Batman at the Children's Museum! This was a surprise for Tiernan so he was ecstatic. They also got to see the "Tumbler" which is the new name for the Batmobile. It's the one that was in the 2005 Batman, as well as the recently released one. Both of which are too old for T but Da appreciated seeing it. All the excitement wore poor Bruce Wayne (notice the name change AFTER seeing "the man") out. But he revived with another surprise of milkshakes! Woo-hoo! So, we obviously suited up upon arriving at home. He's standing on a slide we have in the playroom which he "flew" down after his pictures. Today was a good day (except that I'm still singing the theme song in my head)!

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