Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday the 7th

So Tuesday while Tiernan was at school, I needed to make several batches of Mexican Spaghetti. The twins have watched T help me enough to start scooting the chair over to the counters when they think they can get involved. Since we were working over the hot stove, I thought the kids could "do water" like Tiernan used to do. Yeah, not so much. T used to stand at a sink and just pour water from cup to cup forever. Lincoln spilled a little water & thoughtfully tried to clean it up. What you see here is the entire drawer of dish towels that got nice & soggy & then put back into the drawer. Notice just how wet Lincoln & his chair are. But hey, at least he tried to clean up. Which leads me to #3 - Sloan & Lincoln managed to pull the bag of animal crackers off the island. This was their little snack break. It was really kind of funny to watch them jam the crackers into their mouths just as fast as I was cleaning them up. Why wouldn't they? They were chocolate animal crackers.

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