Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Murphy is settling in...

Murphy? Who's Murphy? Ah... Murphy's Law. According to Wikipedia, Murphy's Law is the western adage that if anything can go wrong, it will. So why has Murphy moved into our house? Who knows. All I know is he needs to move out! About the end of July, we were very excited to be 1 payment away from no car payments. So after the realization that we would be debt-free (except for the house), the following has happened between July & now:

1) Snickers (the dog) has an emergency visit to the vet; 2) Gas leak - silver lining is we didn't turn any lights on in the basement; 3) 2006 tax bill - somewhere in the midst of having twins & moving, we missed paperwork on our taxes which resulted in the unexpected bill - no silver lining here; 4) Snickers is back to the vet for annual, so not cheap, shots; 5) Jeep needs work - silver lining (for Kristin) is we traded the Jeep in & got a minivan. I think there's a silver lining for Chris here too in that he now drives the Magnum (read air conditioning & radio) but downside is we're back to a car payment; 6) Water leak in the basement - turns out to actually be a hole in a pipe in the 1/2 bath that results in water dripping down the pipe & leaking through the floor into the basement. So here you get to see what our 1/2 bath looks like without a wall since Chris ripped it out last night. Why do a crazy thing like that? Well... water leak brings mold which now brings a new piece of drywall & a new sink since the vanity also molded. Silver lining is that Chris is handy & can do this all himself :)

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