Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Bass 5 head to the neighborhood pool

Sunday was a beautiful day so the Bass 5 headed to the pool for our 1st neighborhood pool experience. The neighbors were very aware of our arrival because Lincoln almost immediately started to cry at the sight of the water. He was not happy & preferred to be held. Eventually, he settled down & took to hanging out in the chair. Tiernan was thrilled to splash around in the toddler pool but also went to the big pool to work on swimming with Da. Sloan got right into the water. She even wanted to wear some sunglasses - could be because the beads were left at home?!? 
Eventually, she slipped in the water, & that was it for her for the day. So after about an hour (oh yes, that's all it took) with no kids in the water we headed home. Try try again, right?!


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