Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who Knew?

Who knew that it would be "stripper day" 
at the doctor's office this
morning? Sloan was determined 
to wear her beads
today so they went 
to the doctor's 
appointment & 
even when she had to walk down the hall to get weighed...

18-month Stats:
Sloan weighs 20 lbs 12 oz 
& is in the 5th percentile. (Meaning if you take 100 girls born the same day as her, 4 would weigh less than her and 95 more.) She is 31.5 inches tall & is in the 50th percentile for height. Lincoln weighs 25 lbs 7 oz & is in the 50th percentile for weight. He is 33.5 inches tall & therefore in the 75th percentile for height. They are both healthy, although Sloan is a little anemic. She is not fond of proteins (chicken, turkey, etc) so we're not that surprised. She loves carbs & fruit. She will start a vitamin with iron this week & we'll get creative on how to get more iron into that lil' stripper body. Lincoln, well he eats just about anything given to him. We're thankful for that! 

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